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Discover Your

Spiritual Journey through

Soul Memory


with Pat Ridley

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Soul Memory Awakening is a transformative exploration of yourself and your spiritual journey through time.

With a holistic approach to self-discovery and spiritual growth, you'll be guided through past lives and between lives to access the profound wisdom stored within.

By awakening your soul memories, you'll uncover valuable insights, heal past wounds, and illuminate the path to your soul's purpose in this lifetime.

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Soul Memory Awakening is a transformative exploration of yourself and your spiritual journey through time.

With a holistic approach to self-discovery and spiritual growth...'ll be guided through past lives and between lives to access the profound wisdom stored within.

By awakening your soul memories, you'll uncover valuable insights, heal past wounds, and illuminate the path to your soul's purpose in this lifetime.

What You Can


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Past Life Regression

Embark on a transformative journey with Past Life Regression to unlock the mysteries of your soul's history.

Discover who you once were, where you lived, and the pivotal moments that shaped your journey.

Gain invaluable wisdom to navigate challenges and rewrite your life's story with clarity and purpose.

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Between Lives

Explore your 'Between Lives' soul identity and uncover your soul's purpose in this life and beyond.

Here you will nurture intimate bonds with your spirit guide and soul mates.

Foster a deep connection with your true self, empowering you with unstoppable spiritual strength and clarity.

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Spiritual Mindfulness

Welcome to Spiritual Mindfulness Coaching—a personalised journey toward a life of passion and fulfillment.

Merge mindfulness and spiritual teachings to author your own story...

...cultivating purpose and alignment with your soul's journey.

Through tailored guidance, awaken your inner creator and infuse every aspect of your life with passion and fulfillment.

How does it work?

How does it work?

Can you recall the sensation of slipping into a lucid dream, where reality blurs and the boundaries between conscious and subconscious dissolve?

In this ethereal realm, we find ourselves in a state of heightened awareness and metacognition, where the veil between the conscious and subconscious mind becomes whisper thin.

Soul Memory Awakening is similar to this only you...

...have an experienced clinical hypnotherapist guiding you through the experience and the depths of your subconscious mind.

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Can you recall the sensation of slipping into a lucid dream, where reality blurs and the boundaries between conscious and subconscious dissolve?

In this ethereal realm, we find ourselves in a state of heightened awareness and metacognition, where...

...the veil between the conscious and subconscious mind becomes whisper thin.

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Soul Memory Awakening is similar to this, only you have an experienced practitioner guiding you...

...through the experience and the depths of your subconscious mind.

You might also be familiar with the moments just before we fully awaken in the morning, when we find...

...ourselves still cradled in the gentle haze of sleep, yet awake enough to sense our surroundings.

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You might also be familiar with the moments just before we fully awaken in the morning, when we find ourselves still cradled in the gentle haze of sleep, yet awake enough to sense our surroundings.

In this state of awareness we are presented a rare opportunity...

...It is a moment suspended between dreams and reality, where we can dip our toes into the vast ocean of our subconscious and the superconscious mind.

In this state of awareness we are presented a rare opportunity...

...It is a moment suspended between dreams and reality, where we can dip our toes into...

...the vast ocean of our subconscious and the superconscious mind.

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Here we may recall the dream we were just immersed in, lying snug in our warm, cozy bed.

With a gentle nudge of consciousness...

...we can choose to close our eyes and seamlessly slip back into the dream, carrying with us a soft whisper of awareness as we continue to experience the scenes unfolding.

Soul Memory Awakening harnesses the power of hypnosis to induce a profound altered state of consciousness...

...allowing you to access the depths of your subconscious mind where memories await to be rediscovered.

Here we may recall the dream we were just immersed in, lying snug in our warm, cozy bed.

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With a gentle nudge of consciousness...

...we can choose to close our eyes and seamlessly slip back into the dream, carrying with us...

...a soft whisper of awareness as we continue experience the scenes unfolding.

At this moment, it is your subconscious mind that takes the helm, guiding you...

Our conscious mind, which typically holds the steering wheel of our thoughts and decisions while awake, now relinquishes control...

...content to simply observe the unfolding journey from the back seat.

At this moment, it is your subconscious mind that takes the helm, guiding you...

...through the landscape of your inner world as it follows the gentle directions from your experienced spiritual hypnotherapist.

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As the subconscious mind navigates the depths of your psyche... communicates with your superconscious mind, a profound aspect of your higher self.

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...through the landscape of your inner world as it follows the gentle directions from your experienced spiritual hypnotherapist.

As the subconscious mind navigates the depths of your psyche, it communicates with your...

...superconscious mind, a profound aspect of your higher self.

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Your higher self holds boundless wisdom and insight, serving as a beacon of guidance and enlightenment on your soul's journey.

In this harmonious dance between conscious observation and subconscious exploration, we...

tap into the rich tapestry of your soul's memories and...

...unlock profound insights, heal past wounds, and awaken to the infinite possibilities that await you.

Your higher self holds boundless wisdom and insight, serving as a...

...beacon of guidance and enlightenment on your soul's journey.

In this harmonious dance between conscious observation and subconscious exploration, we...

...tap into the rich tapestry of your soul's memories and...

...unlock profound insights, heal past wounds, and awaken to the infinite possibilities that await you.

Your higher self holds boundless wisdom and insight, serving as a beacon of guidance and enlightenment on your soul's journey.

In this harmonious dance between conscious observation and subconscious exploration, we...

tap into the rich tapestry of your soul's memories and...

...unlock profound insights, heal past wounds, and awaken to the infinite possibilities that await you.

It's no coincidence that you're here...

...contemplating the exploration of your past lives for a specific purpose.

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Your higher self and spirit guides have guided you to this moment, and now it's time to take a leap of faith.

When you do, you'll feel a sense of calm and peace, knowing you're walking your spiritual path.

As we delve into the depths of your mind and walk the cosmic halls of your past lives and between lives...

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...prepare for a life-changing journey ahead that is all part of your...

...cosmic voyage as an eternal soul.

So are you ready to unlock the hidden wisdom of your soul and embark on a journey that transcends time?

So are you ready to unlock the hidden wisdom of your soul and embark on a journey that transcends time?

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Through the transformative practice of Soul Memory Awakening...'ll unveil the mysteries of your past, illuminate the present, and chart a course for the future...

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Your Image you can overcome your current life challenges and find...

...peace, purpose and spiritual power.

Beneath the surface of your everyday existence lies a vast reservoir of insight, patiently awaiting to be discovered.

You will connect to your true self and your spiritual path as you discover your forgotten stories and the ancient truths awaiting for profound spiritual lessons.

Through the transformative practice of Soul Memory Awakening, you'll unveil the mysteries of your past, illuminate the present, and chart a course for the future... you can overcome your current life challenges and find peace, purpose and spiritual power.

Who Can Do It?

As you stand at the threshold of your Soul Memory Awakening journey, you might wonder:

"What exactly is expected of me?"

"Do I need to be an advanced spiritual practitioner or a meditation adept?"

The answer, simply put, is no...

Your role in this transformative journey is one of openness and intention—a readiness to receive the guidance that awaits you.

You don't need years of spiritual practice or mastery of meditation techniques.

All that is required is a willingness to explore the depths of your soul and to embrace the wisdom that emerges.

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Whether you're a seasoned spiritual seeker or just beginning to dip your toes into the waters of self-discovery...

...Soul Memory Awakening welcomes you with open arms.

Here, there are no prerequisites, no expectations—only the invitation to embark on a journey of profound discovery and growth.

So take a deep breath, open your heart, and prepare to journey into the depths of your soul.

The guidance you seek is already within you, waiting to be revealed.

Are you ready to unlock the secrets of your soul? Let Soul Memory Awakening be your guide

So take a deep breath, open your heart, and prepare to journey into the depths of your soul.

Whether you're a seasoned spiritual seeker or just beginning to dip your toes into the waters of self-discovery...

...Soul Memory Awakening welcomes you with open arms.

Here, there are no prerequisites, no expectations—only the invitation to embark on a journey of profound discovery and growth.

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Who Can Do It?

As you stand at the threshold of your Soul Memory Awakening journey, you might wonder:

"What exactly is expected of me?

Do I need to be an advanced spiritual practitioner or a meditation adept?"

The answer, simply put, is no.

As you stand at the threshold of your Soul Memory Awakening journey, you might wonder:

"What exactly is expected of me?

Do I need to be an advanced spiritual practitioner or a meditation adept?"

The answer, simply put, is no.

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Your role in this transformative journey is one of openness and intention...

....a readiness to receive the guidance that awaits you.

You don't need years of spiritual practice or mastery of meditation techniques.

All that is required is a willingness to explore the depths of your soul...

... and a readiness to embrace the wisdom that emerges.

Whether you're a seasoned spiritual seeker or just beginning to dip your toes into the waters of self-discovery...

...Soul Memory Awakening welcomes you with open arms.

Here, there are no prerequisites, no expectations—only the invitation to embark on a journey of profound discovery and growth.

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Whether you're a seasoned spiritual seeker or just beginning to dip your toes into the waters of self-discovery...

...Soul Memory Awakening welcomes you with open arms.

Here, there are no prerequisites, no expectations—only the invitation to embark on a journey of profound discovery and growth.

So take a deep breath, open your heart, and prepare to journey into the depths of your soul. The guidance you seek is already within you, waiting to be revealed. Are you ready to unlock the secrets of your soul? Let Soul Memory Awakening be your guide.

Envision your mind as an iceberg floating in the vast expanse of the ocean. Above the surface, the tip—the conscious mind—is visible, seemingly all there is. Yet, as we gently descend beneath the icey waters, a vast, submerged world comes into view—the realm of the subconscious mind.

Here, amidst the tranquil depths, lie the memories and experiences of your past lives, waiting to be unearthed. Your conscious mind, like the tip of the iceberg, can simply relax and observe as we explore this hidden realm.

But the journey doesn't end here. Beyond the confines of the iceberg lies the boundless expanse of the ocean—the domain of the superconscious mind. Here, your higher self and spirit guides await, ready to impart the precise wisdom and knowledge needed for deep learning and discovery.

In this space of infinite possibility, you'll find yourself immersed in a symphony of consciousness, guided by the currents of your soul's journey. So, let go, dive deep, and trust that the answers you seek are already within you, waiting to be revealed.

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"Your spirit guides, your higher self & the universe have guided you to this exact moment

for the purpose of your continued spiritual development - everything happens for a reason,

there are no mistakes only opportunites for learning & growth"


Pat Ridley

How do we Begin

& what's the Cost?

How we Begin?

Past Life & Between Lives

To begin your journey you'll start with Past Life Regression sessions, the foundation of Soul Memory Awakening.

Typically spanning 3 to 5 sessions...

...our approach allows for a comprehensive exploration of your past lives, tailored to your unique needs and goals.

While 90% of our clients find resolution within 3 sessions...

...we prioritise thoroughness over a predetermined timeframe.

This ensures every aspect of your soul's journey is explored with care and attention.

To begin your journey we will start you with Past Life Regression sessions, the foundation of Soul Memory Awakening. Typically spanning 3 to 5 sessions, our approach allows for a comprehensive exploration of your past lives, tailored to your unique needs and goals. While 90% of our clients find resolution within 3 sessions, we prioritise thoroughness over a predetermined timeframe, ensuring every aspect of your soul's journey is explored with care and attention.

Our structured framework follows a 'Beginning, Middle, and End' approach, guiding you through the process of identifying underlying issues, building powerful resources, and extracting meaningful insights for resolution and healing. Each session is designed to delve deeper into your soul's past, uncovering spiritual lessons and connections that resonate with your present experiences.

Sessions are priced at $250 each, or take advantage of our package deal: $660 for 3 sessions, saving you $90.

Once you've unlocked your soul's past life memories and delved into past life recall, you'll have the opportunity to journey even further—into the spirit world where your soul resides between lives. This transformative experience we call Between Lives Regression, is offered after past lives have been explored and often leads to encounters with spirit guides for life reviews and spiritual guidance, and reunions with soul mates—providing profound life changing insights and spiritual growth.

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Please email [email protected] to apply for sessions

Our structured framework follows a 'Beginning, Middle, and End' approach, guiding you through the process of identifying underlying issues, building powerful resources, and...

...extracting meaningful insights for resolution and healing.

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Each session is designed to delve deeper into your soul's past, uncovering spiritual lessons and connections that resonate with your present experiences.

Sessions are priced at $250 AUD per session, or take advantage of our package deal:

$660 for 3 sessions, saving you $90.

Once you've unlocked your soul's past life memories and experienced past life recall...'ll have the opportunity to journey even further, into the spirit world where your soul resides between lives.

This transformative experience we call Between Lives Regression, is the organic next step with Soul Memory Awakening...

Here we often encounter our spirit guides for life reviews and spiritual guidance.

In this spiritual realm it's common to have joyful reunions with soul mates who you have shared past lives with (or this current one)...

...this is one of the most profound and life changing experiences of Soul Memory Awakening.

12 month Spiritual Mindfulness Program

Your Spiritual Mindfulness Program—a 12 month transformative journey towards complete Soul Memory and Spiritual Awakening.

This immersive program is designed to guide you through profound self-discovery and spiritual growth where together we can...

....integrate and implement the lessons you've gained from your past lives and between lives recall.

The program begins with 3 Past Life Regression sessions, providing a gateway to uncovering the mysteries of your past lives.

Followed by 2 Between Lives sessions offering...

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...profound insights into your soul's identity, purpose in this life, and your broader spiritual journey in the spirit world.

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Following these sessions, you'll have 2 integration and implementation coaching sessions...

...They're pivotal in unpacking your learnings in the context of the here and now, so you can...

...begin integrating them into your daily life.

Together, we'll craft a plan to ensure you become an active and conscious participant on your spiritual path.

But the journey doesn't end there!

Meditation, mindfulness and spiritual coaching sessions are offered weekly to the community that you are now a part of.

You'll learn simple yet powerful techniques to cultivate inner peace and connection amidst the chaos of everyday life.

Plus we will develop your meditation practices to access insights and messages from your higher self and spirit guides...

...honing your intuition and deepening your spiritual awareness in this life.

As a participant in the program, you'll receive ongoing support for 12 months!

This ensures you have the guidance from Pat and the community so you can thrive on your spiritual journey.

Engage with fellow participants, share insights, as you enjoy the weekly guided meditations, spiritual teachings and Q&A sessions with Pat and guest speakers.

Join us on this transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening.

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Here's What

You're Getting

3 x Past Life sessions valued at $750

2 x Between Lives sessions valued at $500

2 x Integration & Implentation Coaching sessions valued at $300

12 Months Support, guided meditations, spiritual lessons, Q&As and more, with your Soul Memory Awakening Membership

valued at $1,404 (normally $27 per week)

Discounted sessions at Member Prices - as a member any further sessions you book with Pat have 25% discount.

Single session normally $250, reduced to $187.5 (save $62.50)

3 session bundle normally $660, reduced to $495 (save $165)

TOTAL VALUE = $2,954.00

Join us on this transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. The Spiritual Mindfulness Program awaits...

...unlock the full potential of your soul for just $1,477 AUD

(50% OFF with one time payment)

Payment Plan $56.25 for 12 weeks after a $790 initial payment to begin your sessions.

You request a different payment plan with Pat if the above is not possible.

Meet Pat ~ Spiritual Hypnotherapist

Pat Ridley

Pat is an author, clinical hypnotherapist & mindfulness meditation coach turned 'Spiritual Hypnotherapist'. Pat will guide you on your spiritual journey towards inner peace and self-realisation through his "Soul Memory Awakening" method.

With his knowledge of mindfulness, meditation techniques, hypnosis, spiritual teachings, and spiritual hypnotherapy, Pat offers a unique approach to help you remember who you are and connect to your soul's purpose in this life so you can overcome your life challenges & live your life to your full potential.

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